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1.1 Determine if a stimuli is functioning as a reinforcer.
1.2 Explain the function of a reinforcing contingency.
1.3 Explain the relationship between aversive stimuli and negative reinforcement.
Learning Activities
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 1
no new messages 15
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 2
no new messages 17
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 3
no new messages 6
Week One Electronic Reserve Readings
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Positive and Negative Reinforcement
no new messages 1
Operant Conditioning: Negative Reinforcement
no new messages 6
Operant Conditioning: Positive Reinforcement
no new messages 1
Psychology: Behaviorist Perspective
no new messages 1
Learning Team Charter
no new messages 3
Assignment Status Friendly name Title Due Date Points Unread Comments
Week One Participation Due Jan 09, 11:59 PM /4
Reinforcement Procedures Paper Due Jan 09, 11:59 PM /5 no new messages no new messages
Total Points /9
Instructor Feedback
Jan 10 – Jan 16 / 24 points

2.1 Differentiate between the forms of punishment.
2.2 Implement positive and negative punishment to specific scenarios.
2.3 Describe how to implement extinction procedures within a behavioral paradigm.
Learning Activities
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 4
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Principles of Behavior, Ch. 5
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 6
no new messages 1
Week Two Electronic Reserve Readings
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Crime and Punishment
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Assignment Status Friendly name Title Due Date Points Unread Comments
Week Two Participation Due Jan 16, 11:59 PM /4
Behavioral Principles Application Presentation Due Jan 16, 11:59 PM /10 no new messages no new messages
Ethics of Punishment Paper Due Jan 16, 11:59 PM /10 no new messages no new messages
Total Points /24
Instructor Feedback
Shaping and Stimulus Control
Jan 17 – Jan 23 / 20 points

3.1 Apply differential reinforcement and punishment procedures to various scenarios.
3.2 Explain the steps needed to shape behavior using various interventions and procedures.
3.3 Explain how to teach a skill using discrimination.
3.4 Explain the role of satiation and deprivation in behavior patterns.
Learning Activities
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 7
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 8
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 9
no new messages no new messages
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 12
no new messages no new messages
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 13
no new messages no new messages
Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings
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Successive Approximations
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Behavior Change Strategies
no new messages no new messages
Assignment Status Friendly name Title Due Date Points Unread Comments
Week Three Participation Due Jan 23, 11:59 PM /4
Reinforcement Worksheet Due Jan 23, 11:59 PM /10 no new messages no new messages
Self-Management Project Topic Selection Due Jan 23, 11:59 PM /3 no new messages no new messages
Motivation Operations Due Jan 23, 11:59 PM /3 no new messages no new messages
Total Points /20
Instructor Feedback
Behavioral Contingencies
Jan 24 – Jan 30 / 24 points
Self-Management Paper Preparation

4.1 Determine when avoidance training would be beneficial.
4.2 Apply the basic DRO contingencies on behavior.
4.3 Apply ratio schedules to specific scenarios.
4.4 Apply interval schedules to specific scenarios.
Learning Activities
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 15
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 16
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 17
no new messages no new messages
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 18
no new messages no new messages
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 19
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Week Four Electronic Reserve Readings
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Rate & Reinforcement Schedules
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Selection by Consequences
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Week Five Self-Management Project
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Assignment Status Friendly name Title Due Date Points Unread Comments
Week Four Participation Due Jan 30, 11:59 PM /4
Schedules of Reinforcement Paper Due Jan 30, 11:59 PM /10 no new messages no new messages
DRO Contingency Worksheet Due Jan 30, 11:59 PM /10 no new messages no new messages
Total Points /24
Instructor Feedback
Complex Human Behavior
Jan 31 – Feb 06 / 23 points

5.1 Differentiate between the use of immediate reinforcement and delayed reinforcement.
5.2 Apply reinforcement principles to feedback and praise.
5.3 Apply behavioral interventions and concepts to self-management, education, health industry, and business models.
Learning Activities
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 22
no new messages no new messages
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 23
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 24
no new messages 1
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 27
no new messages no new messages
Principles of Behavior, Ch. 28
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Week Five Electronic Reserve Readings
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Healthy Sleep Practices
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Drug Abuse Treatment
no new messages no new messages
Assignment Status Friendly name Title Due Date Points Unread Comments
Week Five Participation Due Feb 06, 11:59 PM /4
Feedback and Praise Reflection Due Feb 06, 11:59 PM /5 no new messages no new messages
Self-Management Paper Due Feb 06, 11:59 PM /14 no new messages no new messages
Total Points /23
Instructor Feedback

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