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School of Strategy and Leadership

Assessment Information
The LOs for this module are as follows.
1. Critically analyse the relationship between strategic management and organisational
2. Identify and critically evaluate aspects of employee behaviour and linkages to business
strategy in modern organisations.
3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of ethical implications of doing business and employee
behaviour in different environments.
4. Apply key organisational theories and concepts to practical settings.
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 2 and 3, and accounts for 50% of the overall
module mark.
This assignment requires you to write a business report of 2,000 words.
You need to continue your organizational and strategic research on the global organisation that
you have selected in coursework 1. Research and analyse the best organisational policies and
strategies that the organization needs to adopt in the global market.
The report must have the following analysis and all section carries equal marks:
1. Using the analysis carried out in the first coursework and also taking into account more recently
available information, discuss the strategic choices the company has for a sustainable growth.
2. Evaluate the proposed strategic choices, and using appropriate theories critically discuss the
organisational changes that the company needs to make for the implementation of the strategy.
Assignment Brief ? M04 SSL Coursework 2
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3. Using relevant examples, discuss if there are any ethical issues related to human resource
management and how the leadership of the company needs to address the interests of all the
stakeholders to create a sustainable business. (25%)
4. Based on the above analysis, make appropriate recommendations to the company CEO. (25%)

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