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Yoga with Babies

Final Project Written Report:

The written component of the Final Project should be uploaded this week, The paper should be between 7-10  pages and should show evidence of your research into your chosen topic (follow your Final Project Proposal). If your project was experimental, you should include your research questions, literature review (citations in bibliography), methods, collected data and your analysis. Note that your project does not need to be experimental, it can be a research project if that is your preference. All reports should include at least 4 research references from peer reviewed journals.

You will make a presentation of your project to the class that is graded separately (see Final Project Presentation for directions.)

The topic is yoga with babies. The history behind yoga in general and why yoga with babies is beneficial to both the parent nd the baby. Essay does not need to be too in depth just something 7-8 pages that covers this topic

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