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What is phishing? Explore why this mode of attack is so common

Assignment Specification:

Once you have selected a topic, it is time to get busy. This is a research assignment, and as such you are expected to read a range of content on your topic, and distil it down to your thoughts on the topic. This means putting content into your own words and citing where content has come from. Academic sources are expected, most of which would be peer-reviewed articles that have been published in Journals or Conferences, although other sources are permitted. All source material must be cited and then be listed in a references section at the end of the assignment.

This assignment is to be 2000 (approximately, but not inclusive of the reference list) words in length. It may contain diagrams and figures.

Topic List Choose one of the following:

What is phishing? Explore why this mode of attack is so common.
Single sign on systems are becoming increasingly common on the web. Describe how they work and the security goal that they are aiming to achieve.
Discuss the motivation behind the creation, and rise in popularity of, ?crypto-currencies? in recent years
Discuss the following statement in relation to the Wikileaks organisation: ?The decline of secrecy means the rise of transparency. Organizational transparency is vital to any open and free society.?
Anonymisation tools (such as Tor) built using cryptography have become increasingly popular in recent years. Discuss the need of such software, and also possible downsides of such technology.

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