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What does it take to be a living organism?

Living things share 8 characteristics that are listed in Chapter 1 of your textbook on page 19. Think of an organism or cell in which all 8 characteristics are not obvious. For example, coral looks like it does not move, red blood cells do not reproduce and have no DNA, frogs freeze in the winter therefore it seems as if they do not maintain homeostasis, and so on.

Focus your discussion on the following:

Make comparisons between living things and nonliving things that have some of the characteristics that define life.
Compare the following pairs and explain what the differences are using the 8 criteria:
A rock to a snail
A rock to a tree
A dog to a TV
Explain why electricity is sometimes called live, or discuss some of the characteristics fire shares with living things (it can grow, it metabolizes, and so on).

Grading Rubric

Purpose of Assignment/Content Development

Demonstrates use of appropriate, relevant, and compelling content expressing topic, main idea, and purpose to fully answer all questions.


Critical Thinking

Demonstrates ability to analyze assumptions and evaluate evidence, complexities of issues, and alternatives. Demonstrates ability to use creativity and originality in problem-solving. Applies critical thought to the main topic and to student responses sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB questions.


Effective communication

Organization, Grammar, Presentation: Communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment through clear and effective language and organization.

Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive.

Audience, style, tone and perspective are consistent and appropriate to discussion.

Correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.


Information Literacy, Research

Student selects and uses high quality, credible references relevant to the assignment questions. Sources are correctly cited using APA style.


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