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Unit 8 Assignment:

Apply what you have learned about locating, paraphrasing, incorporating, and citing relevant and reliable secondary source information to complete the following Assignment:
Substantially revise your Unit 6 Assignment and submit it as your Unit 8 Assignment, the Academic Essay. Be sure that your substantially revised Academic Essay meets the following expectations:
Establish and develop a clear main point about your topic that is original and insightful.
Address either a cause or effect of the change or controversy you are addressing, without taking a position or writing to persuade.
Organize ideas logically, demonstrate paragraph unity and connection of ideas through the use of transition devices.
Strengthen and support your ideas through the incorporation of an additional 2-3 relevant and reliable secondary sources from either the KU Library or published on the web.
Apply 6th Edition APA formatting to give credit to all source information and ideas, whether you quote, paraphrase or summarize these sources.
Utilize KU Writing Center resources to format the paper, including the title page, body pages, margins, in-text citations, and references page citations.
Follow the conventions of Standard American English.
This Academic Essay should be 2 – 2 and 1/2 pages long, double spaced, excluding title page and references page.

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