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the five trending about the economy

Final paper, please no plagiarism thanks

1 select one of the five trending about the economy, and apply it to the United States using the conflict perspective . Define conflict theory and provide at least one specific real-world example.

2 select one of the five trending facts about economy , and apply it to the United state using the functionalist perspective . Define functionalist and provide at least one specific real-world example.

3. Select one of the five trending facts about the economy and apply it to united state using interactionist perspective . Define the interactionist and provide at least one specific real-world example.

instruction: the paper should be 1000-1500 words of the bony content, (4-5pages) , in length , it does not include the title and reference page, follow APA citation format and contain at least three(3) outside sources of which two (2) must be from peer-reviewed /scholarly journals. The third required source is the class text. Utilize in -text citation to provide proper credit within the body of your paper and provide a reference page, this is how to avoid plagiarism .

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