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The defence power is wide enough to enact any anti-terrorism measure during times of peace and this is essential to protect human rights.

Answer one of the questions below.

The defence power is wide enough to enact any anti-terrorism measure during times of peace and this is essential to protect human rights. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss by reference to current law. (THIS IS THE SELECTED ONE)

Since the Tasmanian Dams case, the High Court has indicated that the Commonwealth can implement any treaty obligation that it enters into. Do you regard this as the best available interpretation of the external affairs power? Explain your reasons.

In XYZ v Commonwealth, Callinan J and Heydon J held that the external affairs power did not extend to regulating matters or circumstances which are geographically external to Australia. Do you agree or do you prefer the views of other judges in that case? Explain your reasons.

The essay must not exceed 2,500 words.

Your essay must conform with the instructions contained in the attached Research Essay Guide.

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