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Strategic & Decision Making

Small firms appear to have an advantage when it comes to innovation whereas large firms can often drive down costs through economies of scale. Can small firms compete effectively on the basis of low costs? Can large firms compete effectively as prospectors? Explain.

400 words 2 scholarly references

Evaluate the pros and cons of (extensive) strategic change presented in the text. In general, is it better for a company to aggressively pursue strategic change as it grows or to attempt to maintain a consistent approach throughout its development? Explain your answer.

400 words 2 scholarly references

Identify three crises that your current organization might face in the near future. What (if anything) are your firm?s leaders doing to minimize the likelihood that they will occur and/or minimize the damage that they might inflict on the company? What should they be doing to prepare.

400 words 2 scholarly references

Is following a systematic strategic management approach similar to the one presented in the book realistic is today?s rapidly changing business environment? In contrast, is it better for managers to learn to ?think strategically? and focus on quick decisions that move the organization forward? Explain.

400 words 2 scholarly references

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