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Statistics and Interpretation

For this assignment you need to write a paper as well as create an Excel spreadsheet showing your data.
Create a Microsoft? Excel? spreadsheet with the two variables from your learning team’s research scenario. I’ve posted a handout in the class messages SECTION showing an example of how to create a hypothetical data set.
Analyze the data with Microsoft? Excel? or other statistical tool(s), including:
Descriptive stats for each numeric variable
Histogram for each numeric variable
Bar chart for each attribute (non numeric) variable
Scatter plot if the data contains two numeric variables
Determine the appropriate descriptive statistics.
For normally distributed data use the mean and standard deviation.
For significantly skewed data use the median and interquartile range.
For categorical data use the mode and percentages.
use the Individual Methodology Findings Template to complete the descriptive statistics and include it in the body of the paper.

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