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nutrient needs

Assess diets, prepare foods, and promote consumption of foods to meet the of healthy people throughout the life CYCLE.
In this Assignment, you will be assessing how the nutrient needs of Peter Smith, hispanic male, 18 years4’11 BMI 26.67 would change based on a different stage in their life CYCLE.
There are a number of phases in the life of a person where they have specific nutritional needs. For example, nutritional needs are different in infancy, childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, adulthood, and older adulthood.
Pick one phase of life that is different than that of your case study. Discuss in detail how your nutrition recommendations would change for Peter Smith if they were in this different phase of life.
This Assignment needs to be at least 1 page in length, and include at least one reference.
This Assignment should be in APA format and APA in-text citations and a reference page to attribute each source.

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