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Microbial Virulence & Phobias and the Corresponding types of therapy

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Part 1-Microbial Virulence
Respond to the following:

Virulence factors of an organism are a huge consideration. As we begin to look at the role of specific organisms and the diseases they cause, what you will notice is that if an organism is well-equipped with virulence factors, in most cases it will be able to initiate disease. If an organism lacks virulence factors, in most cases it will not initiate disease. So when you are studying infectious disease, if an organism is known to cause human disease, one of the first questions you would want to ask is, ?what are the virulence factors of this organism?? Define the term ?virulence factor?. Discuss at least 3 specific virulence factors and explain how each can make an organism more likely to cause disease.

Part 2-Phobias and the corresponding types of therapy

this discussion will explore phobias and how people deal with their fear associated with phobias. Many of us have a phobia of some sort, but we probably all know someone with a more severe phobia. For this discussion, either think of yourself or someone you know with a strong phobia.

Describe the phobia?what is it, and how is it irrational?
How does the person deal with the phobia?
Does the person realize that their fear is irrational? Have they sought or received professional help to try to deal with their phobia?
What would you recommend to this person to try to help them overcome their phobia?

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