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Maintaining Data Integrity

Please respond to the following in not more than 250 words:

? Provide an example of a business rule. Do not repeat an example from the textbook or one that has been posted by another student.
? How would a relational database enforce this rule? Be specific.
Then, in separate posts, follow up to one or more of your fellow students in substantive posts of up to 200 words that further the discussion. For example, you may support or politely challenge a post with your own insights or experience, make a suggestion, or ask probing follow-up questions.

Support your ideas with explanations and/or sources, as appropriate.

Week 2 Discussion 2

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Database Concepts
Please respond to the following in not more than 200 words:

? Identify one aspect of database modeling or SQL usage that you would like to understand better.
? What specific actions will you take to gain clarity?
Then, in separate posts, follow up to one or more of your fellow students in substantive posts of up to 150 words that further the discussion. For example, you may support or politely challenge a post with your own insights or experience, make a suggestion, or ask probing follow-up questions.

Support your ideas with explanations and/or sources, as appropriate.

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