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journal entry to Hesse and share?your knowledge of the difference between grading and responding and the five dimensions of response that he describes

Complete the journal entry to Hesse and share?your knowledge of the difference between grading and responding and the five dimensions of response that he describes.

The goal is for you to fully understand the purpose of Hesse’s article, so feel free to refer to his article in your writing. Provide your response to the questions below:
1. What’s the difference between “grading” and “responding?”
2. What does Hesse identify as the “top considerations” when an instructor responds to writing?
3. Hesse speaks to the importance of a piece of writing achieving its assigned purpose. For an academic assignment, how would you know whether a piece of writing is achieving its purpose or not? For a non-academic assignment, how would you know whether a piece of writing is achieving its purpose or not?
4. How does reading Hesse’s article change your perceptions of what it means to produce “good” writing? Or. . . How does it not change your perceptions?

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