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Is creativity or innovation more important to MidwayUSA?s management in addressing the desire to improve process quality? Explain fully.

1. Is creativity or innovation more important to MidwayUSA?s management in addressing the desire to improve process quality? Explain fully.

2. If you were Larry Potterfield, what would be two organizational systems that you would establish to encourage organization member creativity? Be as specific as possible. Why are these systems important to the future success of MidwayUSA?

3. List three creative ideas based upon your TQM expertise that, if implemented, would ensure MidwayUSA?s future success. Be sure to explain how each idea would contribute to the success

B. Inventables Sells Innovation

1. How has Inventables changed the innovation process in American businesses?

2. Discuss how creativity and innovation are linked at Inventables.

3. If you were Zach Kaplan, how would you innovate Inventables even further?

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