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Intership report DVF

Reflect, from both practical and theoretical perspectives, on workrelated
issues encountered during their internship. ? Complete all
academic and professional requirements and assignments related to
the internship. Requirements for MAGC 8-CR internship portfolios
After 5 weeks Mid-point note Five weeks into your internship, on the
date set by your faculty advisor, you must submit a mid-point note
outlining the nature of your responsibilities and your initial thoughts
on the organization in which you are working. In the note you should
address any projects you are working on and how they relate to issues
covered in your MA course material. You may also discuss any goals
you would like to achieve during the remainder of your internship. In
compiling this note, you are expected to draw upon your weekly
journal. The note should be between 3-5 pages long. The mid-point
note will be included as appendix of the final report. After the end of
the internship Cover sheet See template below. ) 50 to 60 pages
(including appendices). To be written in English on A4 paper, using
Times New Roman font size 12, with a line-spacing of 1.5. Save in
PDF format. Informational Interviews (See guidelines in this
brochure) Critical account detailing an interview of two or more key
employees in the company; if possible a person from senior
management and a coworker. You may also interview your immediate
supervisor. To be written in English on A4 paper, using Times New
Roman font size 12, with a line-spacing of 1.5 . The aim of this
exercise is for you to reflect on your internship experience: to
compare your expectations with actual results, whether you feel better
equipped to enter this field/industry as a result of this internship, the
internship?s contribution towards your future choices (next internship,
graduate school, career, etc.). It is more than an account of your time
in an organization. It is a descriptive and analytical document in which
you specifically connect the knowledge and skills you have acquired
during your MA degree to your experience in the workplace. The
report is a reflection of your internship and its relationship to your
studies: namely, how has the theoretical knowledge you acquired in
your courses prepared you for this professional experience? Based on
what you learned, did any aspects of your internship surprise you, and
if so which ones? Finally, how has this professional experience
impacted your understanding of the subjects you studied? The report
is to be written on A4 paper, using Times New Roman font size 12,
with a line spacing of 1.5. Footnotes and bibliography should follow
the format required for research in your field. The various sections of
the internship portfolio are outlined below. 1. Cover Sheet: See
template below. 2. Table of Contents: Indicate the major sections of
the report (sub headers are optional). 3. Project Summary: Provide a
short summary which outlines the subject of the attached report and
the contents of the analyses. It should be written in a style that is
accessible to an informed non-academic audience. This section should
be two pages in length. MAGC 8-CR INTERNSHIPS
ASSIGNMENTS Version 2015 Internship Office [email protected]
4. Organizational Overview: This should include the name of the
company or organization, a detailed description of its activities, and
the function of the particular department in which you are working. In
addition, you should comment on your role as an intern. State the
number of hours worked per week, the number of credits to be earned,
where and when you were working, and the sorts of practical skills
and tools used. How does an intern fit in? This section should be two
pages in length. 5. Organizational Analysis/Brand Audit: What are the
company?s main outputs? What seem to be its strengths and
weaknesses? Where might it expand ? and where might it be falling
behind the competition? When analysing the organization in which
you worked, you should provide a critical reading of the corporate
literature, paying particular attention to their communication plans
(internal and external.) This section should be ten pages in length. 6.
Relationship of Internship to Course Material: In this section, relate
your experience in the workplace to the material covered during your
Global Communications studies. You are asked to contextualize your
internship experience not only in relation to the practical skills you
have learned, but also in relation to theories regarding the role that
communication plays in society. How did the course material you
covered relate to your work? How might one theorize or conceptualize
the kind of work you were asked to carry out? Consider how your MA
course material might help you analyze your position in the
workplace. Discuss the material?s relevance to your work experience.
You are expected to make specific connections with and references to
material covered in your core courses. This section should be ten
pages in length. 7. Conclusion: Here, please detail what you learned
from the internship, and provide an overview of the company from
your perspective as an MA student soon to be seeking employment.
How has your experience in this company had an impact on how you
see yourself, any aspiration you may have to work in this industry, and
the direction for your future career? This section should be two to four
pages in length. Appendices ? Informational interviews: This section
involves a critical account detailing an interview of two or more key
employees in the company; if possible a person from senior
management and a co-worker. You may also interview your
immediate supervisor. (If possible, schedule these interviews as you
are being hired.) Please see suggested questions in this package. The
aim is to get a feel for the career paths of individuals working in the
company. How did your interviewees develop their chosen careers?
What advice do they have for you? As a conclusion to these
interviews, what did you learn? Do you see these individuals as
mentors? This section should be six pages in length. ? Weekly journal:
In a sense you are doing some ethnography here, a piece of qualitative
research for yourself that you are unlikely to have the time or
opportunity to do at other . What are your expectations as you begin?
What are you learning? How does your company fit into the field at
large, in terms of its communicative strategy and goals, operations and
products? Focus on process and, eventually, outcomes. Question your
colleagues to gain more insight.

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