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Improving the Project Team Creativity in the Australian Building and Construction Industry

1- Summary (A clear, concise, technical summary of the aim, significance and impact of this project ? maximum 10 lines).
2- Aim and Objectives (Why you are doing this research; and what you hope to achieve at an ?operational? level);
3- Introduction (Approx. 1 page) (Provide the context/ background to the project topic proposed and how it sits in your organisation / industry / context). Research questions.
4- Literature Review (Approx. 8 to 10 pages) (What is currently known in the academic and industry-based literature about the proposed research idea/ problem/ question in your organisation / industry / context and beyond? This should be a competent (thorough and critical) review of the literature with justification of your proposed project?s significance
5- Expected Outcomes and Benefits (Importance, value and benefits of the project to your organisation / industry / context as evidenced from the literature reviewed);
6- Methodology (Approx. 3 to 5 pages) (Method of investigation, specific strategy for data collection and analysis, ethical considerations; and justification of choices);
7- Project Timeline and Milestones (Outline the timeline and duration for the main project activities (assume project runs in S2, 2015) and define milestones to be achieved);
8- A proposed list of questions to be asked in the data collection stage (Questions asked should be appropriate to the methodology and data collection tool (e.g. survey/ interview/ case study) defined in the proposal).
? Criteria (Very Important):
1. Originality, content, and integrity of the proposed project including:
a) Project summary and introduction
b) Relevant research aims and objectives
c) Significance, expected outcomes and benefits.
d) Competent review of the relevant literature.
(In this one, Excellent and well thought-out research project underpinned by a highly proficient review of relevant literature, and high- level, well-defined and logical research summary, introduction, research question, aims and objectives, with clearly articulated and highly significant outcomes and benefits).
2. Research design including:
a) Research Method
b) Project timeline and milestones.
(In this one,Excellent and thorough research design underpinned by a highly substantiated and detailed methodology and well-defined and logical project timeline and milestones).
3. Overall presentation of the proposal, including structure, readability and use of references.( In this one,Highly professional looking and well- structured document. Highly readable and easy to understand with clearly structured sentences. Excellent use of English with no grammatical or spelling errors. Well-referenced submission using relevant and up-to-date references cited using APA).

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