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If you were in a leadership position and were responsible for developing a diversity statement, what would include in this statement?

If you were in a leadership position and were responsible for developing a diversity statement, what would include in this statement?
To prepare:
Review the diversity statements from several institutions. Consider what you find to be most compelling and clear in these statements and what you would want to refine or delete.
To complete:
Draft a 3- to 4-page diversity statement for an institution of your choosing. Explain how your proposed statement serves the institution and its stakeholders. In your document, briefly address each of the following:
Student/faculty experience
Connection and mentorship among students and faculty
Diversity requirements (e.g., trainings or courses) for students, staff, and faculty
Diversity training for stakeholders
For each factor, a brief rationale for why you presented it as you did
Your document should be written using scholarly and professional language and APA formatting.

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