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How do people communicate? Provide examples of verbal and nonverbal communication. How do you communicate nonverbally?/In what way can knowledge of nonverbal communication help your communication with others?/Analyze your results for the Student Listening Inventory. What do you do well? What can you improve on? What changes can you make in your behavior to become a better listener? What results do you expect to get from this change?

Write a 700- to 1,050 word paper discussing the following:
How do people communicate? Provide examples of verbal and nonverbal communication. How do you communicate nonverbally?
In what way can knowledge of nonverbal communication help your communication with others?
Analyze your results for the Student Listening Inventory. What do you do well? What can you improve on? What changes can you make in your behavior to become a better listener? What results do you expect to get from this change?

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