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Explain the stages that should be involved in a strategic marketing planning process.

Task 1. i. Explain the stages that should be involved in a strategic marketing planning process. ii. Identify the differences between your recommended process and Chaindrive?s current approach. iii. Discuss the role of successful marketing planning by using some examples that illustrate the role of strategic marketing in meeting company objectives. Task 2. i. Use appropriate marketing models to report on the changes in the external marketing environment that will affect the current and future marketing of Chaindrive?s products. ? Stratford Business School 2015 89 ii. Conduct an internal analysis to evaluate the role of current products. iii. Use your results to discuss the links between Chaindrive?s strategic position and its marketing tactics. Note: at this stage you are not being asked to propose an alternative approach. Task 3. Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for Chaindrive. Task 4. i. Use appropriate models to propose alternative marketing strategies that could be adopted by Chaindrive. ii. Plan how to implement one of your marking strategy options; create appropriate marketing objectives, provide clear target segments and outline the marketing tactics for each segment. Justify why this is the most appropriate recommendation for the company. Task 5. Analyse the opportunities for and merits of using relationship marketing and e-strategies to assist Chaindrive in implementing your proposed marketing strategy. Task 6. Critically assess the value tools and techniques that you have used in developing a strategic marketing plan for Chaindrive. A Market Report on the UK Bicycle Market is available to you.

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