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discussion on the internet galaxy by manuel castells

Read the Castells chapter “Lessons from the History of the Internet” from his book The Internet Galaxy. You can download a PDF of this chapter from this week’s unit. Our question as we read Castells is “What are the lessons?” and this assignment will guide you in responding to the reading and its ?lessons.? Make sure you carefully read it — it asks for a specific type of response. It is more complicated than most of our discussion board prompts and will take some time and thought. What is one of the lessons that Castells describes? This question is a little more complicated than at first it appears. It is actually a challenge in cooperation and close reading. If you are one of the first to answer, you could pre-empt other answers (since you’ll find you cannot add other threads). The idea is not to launch a pre-emptive strike on other answers but rather to add one item to a succession of small, incremental contributions. You should start a new thread and identify one lesson in the title. Then expand on this lesson in your post. You will need to say whether Castells explicitly says this is a lesson to be learned from the history of the Internet. (You can also, of course, find and state lessons he is not explicit about.) This may go without saying, but just to be clear: the task posed for you here gets harder the longer you wait. After a while, people will have noted the obvious, and making substantive contributions to the discussion will require you to get subtler, more specific, more critical. Your response should show you to be knowledgeable of the chapter, whatever else it says. You can show this by referring to specific passages with quotations or paraphrasing, and page numbers.

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