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different types of counseling microskills; how active listening can enhance the other microskills

Review Chapter 6 and the Levitt article, focusing on the different types of counseling microskills; how active listening can enhance the other microskills, such as paraphrasing; and how each microskill could be used within a counseling session.
Review the ?Vignettes: Counseling Microskills Discussion? document in the Learning Resources and select one to use for this Discussion.
Think about how you could use an open-ended question, paraphrasing, and reflection of what the client is feeling for the vignette you selected

? A brief summary of the case study you chose (one paragraph maximum)
? One example of each of the following skills as you might say them to the client in the case study:
? one open-ended question
? one paraphrase of one of the client?s statements
? one reflection of what the client is feeling.

? Finally, explain how much of your interaction with this client is an ?art? or a ?science? and why.

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