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CS204 Unit 6: Professional Presence

In this Assignment, you will create a standard PowerPoint presentation representing yourself as a professional. Be sure to reflect on what you have learned thus far in the course as you complete this Assignment. Instructions for creating a PowerPoint are

Your PowerPoint presentation should include a total of five slides using the following format:
Slide 1: Cover page that includes assignment title, your name, course, section number, and date.
Slide 2: Introduction?who you are and your chosen professional field.
Slide 3: A brief overview of how you perceive yourself professionally. You may include a photo.
Slide 4: A description of attributes which contribute to professionalism in your chosen field such as professional attire, communication, and behavior.
Slide 5: Cite all sources you have used.
Assignment Format
PowerPoint Presentation with five slides
Notes for the content slides (Slides 2, 3, and 4) should include speaker notes at the bottom of the slide
Brief points should be included on the slide and detailed explanations for each point should be shared in the speaker notes of the slide
Identify the source of any pictures you use
Powerpoint Assignment must be strictly on topic, original, and well detailed contributions to the quality of the discussion by making atleast frequent 2-3 informed scholar references.

NO PHARGIARISM! Please thoroughly read and follow all instructions, grading rubric, and requirements and answer all the questions accordingly for this assignment.

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