Alternative assignment – Submission Monday 9th January 2017
Companies collect more data than ever before. The critical issues are to collect and use it responsibly for the benefit of consumers and organisations. Using your own examples, critically evaluate the issues with reference to UK and EU legislation and the General Data Protection Regulations (DGPR) which are due to come in to force in May 2018.
Your discussion of the above issues should include:
- the type of data that might be collected,
- the ways in which it might be used for the benefit of consumers,
- consent and potential privacy issues from a consumer perspective and any relevant UK/EU legislation.
Please pay attention to the assessment criteria below.
The following articles will act as a starting point but it is expected that you will refer to other academic journal articles, textbooks and UK legislation websites and codes of conduct as appropriate.
Christiansen, L. (2011), Personal Privacy and Internet Marketing: an impossible conflict or a marriage made in heaven? Business Horizons, Vol.54, pp.509-514.
Corrigan, H. B. Craciun, G. and Powell, A. M. (2014), How does Target know so much about its customers? Utilizing customer analytics to make marketing decisions,
Marketing Education Review, Vol.24, No.2 pp.159-165.
Eastin, M.S., Brinson, N.H., Doorey, A. and Wilcox, G., 2016. Living in a big data world: Predicting mobile commerce activity through privacy concerns. Computers in Human Behavior, 58, pp.214-220.
Erevelles, S., Fukawa, N. and Swayne, L. ((2015) Big data analytics and the transformation of marketing, Journal of Business Research (in press)
Jai, T.M. C. and King, N. J. (2015), Privacy v reward: do loyalty programs increase consumers willing ness to share personal information with third-party advertisers and data brokers? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Martin, K. (2015) Privacy notices as tabula rasa: an empirical investigation into how complying with a privacy notice is related to meeting privacy expectations online, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Vol. 34 pp. 21–227
Nill, A. and Aalberts, R.J. (2014) Legal and Ethical Challenges of Online Behavioral Targeting in Advertising, Journal of current issues and research in advertising, Vol.35. No. 2 pp.126-146
The word count is 2000.
Learning outcomes
- Debate the role and influence of direct and digital marketing theory as part of the communications mix in a range of organisational contexts
- Critically evaluate the role of data driven marketing and the effective use of database management
Assessment criteria
- Understanding of the issues relevant to gathering data from consumers in the online context and the legal issues (30%)
- critical evaluation of the pertinent issues (30%)
- strength of argument, and use of English (30%)
- use and execution of referencing (10%)
Submission of Alternative Assignment
For some students an alternative piece of coursework will apply in lieu of an exam in January 2017. The same learning outcomes and assessment criteria apply as for the exam. This piece of coursework MUST be submitted electronically via Blackboard only by Monday 9th January 2017 by 1pm (13.00). It will automatically be scanned through a text matching system (designed to check for possible plagiarism).
- YOU MUST include your name and student ID on the first page of your assignment.
To submit your assignment:
- Log on to Blackboard at;
- Go to the relevant module Blackboard site;
- Click on the ‘Submit Coursework’ link in the navigation menu on the left-hand side, as advised by the module teaching team;
- Click on the link for the relevant assignment;
- Follow the instructions.
Finance holds
If on the due date you have a finance hold on your student account, you may not be able to access Blackboard to be able to submit electronically. If this is the case, you may be able to submit a paper copy to the Registry. Assignments submitted this way will ONLY be accepted if it is clear that you have a finance hold on the due date. The penalties for late submission will still apply.
You will be given details by the module teaching team about how and when you will receive your marks and feedback on your work.
It is a requirement that you submit your work in this way. All coursework must be submitted by 1pm (13.00) on the due date.
If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the specified deadline, 10% of the overall marks available for that element of assessment will be deducted, as a penalty for late submission, except for work which is marked in the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (40%).
If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified deadline you will be given a mark of zero for the work in question.
The University’s mitigating circumstances procedures relating to the non-submission or late submission of coursework apply to all coursework.