From essays to dissertations, we have experts for all of your assignments!

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PROJECT GOAL: Create a multimedia presentation in which you will present information about a career-interest area or field of study interest. In addition, write a reflective paragraph about the product and process.

For your presentation, include the following elements:

Select and use a presentation tool, such as PowerPoint or Prezi

Include a presentation title, your name as author, the date, and your course name/section number/session/year.(Just include title slide, information will be filled later)
After the title page of your presentation, Introduce your topic on a new slide – summarize the project’s topic
On a separate slide, describe your field of study or career interest(BUSINESS MANAGEMENT) – explain how the project’s topic relates to your discipline or career interest
Provide cited facts about potential salary, work conditions, type of activities included, or other details you have selected, using four (4) or more varied sources.
Provide at least four (4) source citations and at least two (2) of the sources must be scholarly sources from the APUS library. Do not include generic web sources such as Wikipedia or are attached, just find 2 more sources)
Include a Reference (Works Cited, Bibliography) page/slide at the end of your presentation.
In addition to an audio-narrated presentation, include at least two (2) more different media forms that enhance your presentation: images, graphics, animation, videos, or audio.
Write a 5-8 sentence paragraph reflecting on the finished product and overall process. Your paragraph is to be included in the presentation.
Include enough slides to fully develop your presentation.

Source Organization Worksheet
Sherifat Egberongbe
Course: COLL100
Instructor: Heather Marnell
Project Name:

Article Title: Becoming an entrepreneur: How to start a small business.
Article Author: Hormozi, A. M.
Database or Web URL:
Date Retrieved:
Source?s Publication Date: 2004
Publishing Information: International Journal of Management

Source Summary: This article provides the guidelines on starting a small business. It covers various tools that helps entrepreneurs become successful, from financials to human resources and vendor relationships.
Article Title: Professionals becoming entrepreneurs.
Article Author: Waters, C.
Database or Web URL:
Date Retrieved: Dec 22, 2016
Source?s Publication Date: Apr 25, 2016
Publishing Information: The Age
Source Summary: This article explains how running a small business to compliment the main source of income is no longer frowned upon in the corporate world. This drastically differs from the original definition of entrepreneurship which was seen as an all or nothing concept.

Article Title: Becoming an entrepreneur.
Article Author: Cooper, M.
Database or Web URL:
Date Retrieved: Dec 19, 2016
Source?s Publication Date: 2005
Publishing Information: Canadian Nurses Association

Source Summary: This article defines the importance of the business name, how it should convey strength and positivity whenever and wherever it is seen or heard.


Article Title: What makes a die-hard entrepreneur? Beyond the ’employee or entrepreneur’ dichotomy.
Article Author: Burke, A. E., FitzRoy, F. R., & Nolan, M. A
Database or Web URL:
Date Retrieved: Dec 22, 2016
Source?s Publication Date: 2008
Publishing Information: Small Business Economics Magazine Vol 31, No 2

Source Summary: This explains the growth of a business and how it is widely considered to be a measure of success for entrepreneurial businesses. Data indicate that there are systematic differences between minority and nonminority-owned firms with respect to growth of the business.

Article Title: Applying for a Business License
Article Author: City of Atlanta
Database or Web URL:
Date Retrieved: Dec 22, 2016
Source?s Publication Date: N/A
Publishing Information:

Source Summary: Describes the steps and fees involved in obtaining a business license in the state of Georgia. It also contains links to several crucial permits for imports and exports.

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