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Connecting with Customers through Social Media

Social media has changed the way that companies do business and interact with customers; it has also changed how customers interact with and provide feedback to companies. For this assignment, you need to identify one popular social media website and select a company that utilizes this site on a regular basis to interact with its customers. Then, write a 1-2 page paper that addresses the following:

Review the company’s page on this social media site and explain how they use the site to provide customer service, respond to customer concerns, and highlight customer satisfaction.
Based on your review, provide an example of one situation where the company used the site to address a customer concern or complaint.
Finally, describe some specific ways that you would use social media to enhance customer service and improve communication with customers if you were in charge of customer service for the company.
should be proofread for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document

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