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Conflicting HRM Systems

Read the table on pages 317 and 318 ?Examples of Transformational Events Associated with HR Process? from your textbook. Create a similar table, with at least 3 levels, using specific details on the organization you are researching for the Capstone project. Offer a 200-250 word explanation on the decisions you have made on the table. Use at least one scholarly source other than the textbook to support your ideas. Critique at least two of your classmates? tables by offering constructive feedback. Remember to properly cite your sources.
Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.

Conflicting HRM Systems

Almost every organization with more than 200 employees has at least one significant conflicting HRM practice, which undermines the total performance of the organization at least marginally?examples abound. Discuss one or more conflicting practices you have experienced and recommend one or more alternative HRM practices that could appropriately minimize, or even eliminate, the conflict. Explain in detail. Present your views in 200 words or more in your discussion post. Use at least two scholarly source to support your ideas. Respond to at least two of your classmates? posts

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