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Can cultural competency impact citizen participation

Term Paper for PA211
Fall 2013

I. Thesis Statement in Introduction:
Can cultural competency impact citizen participation (you define participation how you want), Why/Why not?

What is cultural competency; what is the current status of this concept in NYC 2013; why is it important to public administration.
(Here is where you incorporate your literature review sources that you are using.)

II. Teaching Cultural Competency Skills to Boost Participation in NYC

What are ways to teach culturally competency skills to increase civic engagement?
What are ways to have broken down cultural barriers between Juror B37 & Rachel Jeantel?
How can jurors be taught these skills when deciding on someone outside of their own group?
Outline in specific steps and explain the rationale for each step. Do not be vague here.

(If you are citing examples of cultural competency examples implemented elsewhere, reference it in this section.)

III. Have you gained any cultural competency skills by working in a small team this semester? Explain why and how so. If no, then explain how this could?ve been possible.

(This is your own voice/perspective; no citations necessary, although you could cite some of the sources that support your statements. This is similar to what you turned in for extra credit; watch the tone?professional.)

IV. Conclusion: Make the different points cohesive, how is this all relevant to public administration and provide a brief, concise summary of your main points.

Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1? margins all around, double spaced
APA Format?No exceptions! Here is a FREE resource:
Each page should have at least one in-text citation in correct APA format. Include bibliography in APA style.

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