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Assignment: Case 2: Regulatory Compliance

Now that you have completed the policies, processes, and procedures for Dr. Fellows, it’s time to consider staffing, compliance, and legal issues. Through the analyzing stage of the project, you found that Dr. Fellows did not have adequate staff, and it was unclear if any staff were certified, with the exception of the lead RN. You also discovered that most of the staff are unfamiliar with modern medical EMR/EHR technologies. Additionally, office staff have not been using the proper consent to treat forms, release of information forms and OSHA standards were not being followed. You want Dr. Fellows and his staff to understand how running a clinic is a service industry and how important state and federal regulatory compliance along with customer satisfaction and delivering quality care is to the future success of the practice. You have proposed the following staffing levels for the clinic: Licensed staff: 1 RN 3 certified medical assistants 4 certified medical administrative office assistants Nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant Non-licensed staff: 1 office manager You have now been tasked with presenting your staffing proposal to Dr. Fellows. Create a 9-slide Microsoft? PowerPoint? presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you discuss the following: Describe the importance of health care as a service business. Describe the challenges caused by advances in technology. Identify the effects of regulations on the health care office. Compare licensing requirements for health care workers using the staffing proposal mentioned above. Explain the importance of monitoring compliance in the health care office. Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your presentation. Cite any graphics from other sources used in your slides. Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

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