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Archive for August 25th, 2021

Persuasive Essay

Make A Persuasive Essay about Sexual Harassment the thesis  I made is Sexual Harassment continues to be a pervasive problem in Canadian society because of the stigma attached to it and women afraid to come forth for fear of losing their case in court as well as having to relive the horrific event. around onepages […]

World Religions Philosophy

Topic-Describe the relationship between the caste system (varna), the four stages of life (asrama), and the Hindu concept of dharma known collectively as Varnasrama Dharma. How does this system relate to the principles of Brahman, Atman and Karma … and how does it help one progress towards spiritual liberation (Moksha)? IntroductionThe opening paragraph serves an […]

Labor history

The 1920s, 1930s, 1940s were pivotal decades for workers and their unions in the United States.  At the height of the economy of the Roaring Twenties, the possibilities for unions and working-class political activism seemed to be at an all-time low.  However, during the Great Depression of the 1930s, workers began to rebuild the labor […]

Raisin in the sun

You will compose a lengthy analysis of an original understanding of a character, conflict, symbol, or theme over the course of the entire play, Raisin in the Sun. Your analysis will be based on an original thesis statement, include a strong introduction, body, and conclusion, and attempt to integrate rigorous textual analysis. Suggested themes for […]

Reflection paper on my Restaurant manager training internship

I did an internship at a Pappas restaurant more specifically at Pappasitos Cantina. During my internship, I had to train as a server, host, bartender, Togo server and lastly Floor manager. In the paper include .    Key learning moments    Any Ah Ha moments    Roadblocks or challenges encountered

How did Louis Armstrong the African American trumpeter change/impact the world

THE WHAT:  The Research should be about the individual you have chosen and the impact they had on their world as well as the importance/enduring value they hold today.  Do not make the paper all about dates or a timeline of the individuals life but do add some interesting tidbits.  In other words, you don’t […]


1. Help me write an essay according to the questions in each article and what is the Point of View for each of the following stories so far (limited omniscient or objective or first person). 2. And the last page of the essay helps me write a summary like this:    The short story, “Harrison […]

We can no longer ignore the growing vegan movement, because ( than 3 key words )

Intro– with attention grabber a bridge and the thesis statement THESIS STATEMENT IS : we can no longer ignore the growing vegan movement, because ( it is time for us to change ourselves in order to help our planet )( ) is an example could be anything else. 3 body paragraphs:1st and 2nd body paragraph:– […]

Chinese Literature

Dont simply answer my questions but make your own thesis1.Think about the relationship between the traditional and the modern in works such as Modern Parting, The Sea of Regret, A Madmans Diary, Choose some texts we have studied and discuss issues of the dynamic interaction between Chinese cultural tradition and modernization. How do modern writers […]


1. Help me write an essay according to the questions in each article and what is the Point of View for each of the following stories so far (limited omniscient or objective or first person). On the article “Trespass” the question would be “What is the significance of the title” Trespass “?” 2. And the […]

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