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Week 6 Presentation (Due in 2 days) Urgent plz/Lerning Resources.docx

Selected Topic: Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices

(Note: My research Topic related 1st two references, so u can use this reference in PPT)

Week 6-7 Learning Resources

Recommended Readings

Wang, C., Zhang, Q., & Zhang, W. (2020). Corporate social responsibility, green supply chain management and firm performance: The moderating role of big-data analytics capability. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 37, 100557.

Maryniak, A. (2017). Competitive instruments preferred by customers versus the level of pro-environmental activities in a supply chain. LogForum, 13(2), 159–169.

Avittathur, B., & Jayaram, J. (2016). Supply chain management in emerging economies. Decision, 43(2), 117–124.

Jean, R.-J., Wang, Z., Zhao, X., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2016). Drivers and customer satisfaction outcomes of CSR in supply chains in different institutional contexts: A comparison between China and Taiwan. International Marketing Review, 33(4), 514–529.

Moosmayer, D. C., & Davis, S. M. (2016). Staking cosmopolitan claims: How firms and NGOs talk about supply chain responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 135(3), 403–417.

Nematollahi, M., Hosseini-Motlagh, S.-M., & Heydari, J. (2017). Coordination of social responsibility and order quantity in a two-echelon supply chain: A collaborative decision-making perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 107–121.

Walden University. (n.d.). APA course paper template.

Presentation Format Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2007a). Designing an effective PowerPoint: Quick guide [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2007b). Peer review: Looking at texts from a reader’s perspective [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Walden University. (n.d.). APA presentation template.

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). Microsoft PowerPoint resources. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2017c). Common course assignments: Annotated bibliographies. Retrieved from

Document: Presentation Format (PDF)

Week 6 Presentation (Due in 2 days) Urgent plz/Presentation Format.pdf

©  2016  Laureate  Education,  Inc.     Page  1  of  1  

Presentation  Format    During  one  set  of  paired  weeks  in  this  course,  you  will  be  appointed  as  a  Presenter.  When  you  are  the  Presenter,  you  will  prepare  an  individual  academic  presentation,  much  like  a  poster  session.  Your  presentation  should  include  an  analysis  and  synthesis  of  prior  research,  and  your  presentation  begins  the  interaction  with  your  colleagues.  You  will  prepare  a  PowerPoint  presentation  of  7–10  slides  to  demonstrate  your  understanding  of  the  research.      Outline  for  Presentations    The  following  PowerPoint  presentation  outline  is  suggested:    Slide  Number  

Contents  of  Slide  should  include:  

Slide  1   Title  Slide—Weeks  X–X/Week  Title/Presenter  Name    Slides  2–3   An  incorporation  and  analysis  of  the  Required  Resources  from  this  pair  of  weeks,  

including  identification  of  an  original  research  topic  (related  to  the  general  topic  for  the  week,  to  a  specific  reading  for  the  week,  or  to  apparent  gaps  in  the  literature)  

Slides  4–6   An  identification  of  principal  schools  of  thought,  tendencies  in  the  academic  literature,  or  commonalities  that  define  the  academic  scholarship  regarding  your  topic  

Slides  7–8   An  evaluation  of  the  main  concepts  with  a  focus  on  their  application  to  business/management  practice  and  their  impact  on  positive  social  change  

Slides  9–10   APA-­formatted  References  slide(s)  (to  include  a  minimum  of  10  peer-­reviewed,  scholarly  new  references)  

 Guidelines  for  Presentations    You  must  use  APA  formatting  throughout  your  presentation  and  incorporate  direct  evidence  of  addressing  the  Learning  Objectives  from  this  2-­week  unit.  Each  of  the  content  slides  must  include  detailed  notes/paragraphs  in  the  Notes  section  with  appropriate  citation  of  peer-­reviewed,  scholarly  references.  Please  refer  to  the  Presentation  Rubric  for  specific  grading  elements  and  criteria.      Note:  If  you  choose  to  include  graphics  of  any  kind  in  your  presentation,  be  prepared  to  accommodate  participants  with  vision  loss.  Know  that  you  may  have  to  provide  a  written  description  of  graphic  or  pictorial  material  for  a  fellow  student  who  is  visually  impaired.        

o   It  is  the  responsibility  of  any  participant  with  a  disability  that  limits  access  to  the  PowerPoint  presentations  to  contact  the  Instructor  and/or  Disability  Services  to  make  a  specific  request  regarding  this  assignment.  

Week 6 Presentation (Due in 2 days) Urgent plz/Week 6 Presentation (Required Assignment).docx

Selected Topic: Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices

(Topic related resources attached in separate File)

My Note: (Presentation with notes/paragraphs) PPT Format attached 7 Slides without References Slides. Total 9-10 Slides


(100% Original Plagiarism free work ) Due in 2 Days

Must be include all presentation requirement and follow Rubric Superior Criteria

Course Name : DDBA 85 10 Seminar in Global Supply Chain Management

Discussion: Supply Chain and Social Responsibilityy

After reading this week’s literature, consider how each article relates to the others. What research questions or apparent gaps come to mind?

Keeping in mind what you have learned about research design and threats to validity in your courses to this point, complete the following:

By Day 7 of Week 6

This week, assigned Presenters should post a PowerPoint presentation with a detailed notes section that contains the following:

· Incorporation and analysis of the Learning Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature

· An original research topic related to the week’s literature (the proposed research topic can be related to the general topic for the week or to gaps in the literature for the week, or it can be related to a specific reading for the week)

· Background information on the research topic, including identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic

· Evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change

· A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references

Note: The presentation must be in APA format and must incorporate direct evidence of addressing the Learning Objectives from this two-week unit. Each of the content slides must include detailed notes/paragraphs with appropriate citation of peer-reviewed, scholarly references.

Refer to the Presentation Format document for more information about the expected contents of your Presentation. For suggestions on creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, see the Presentation Resources.

Refer to the Presentation Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Outline for Presentations 

Slide  Number 

Contents of Slide should include: 

Slide 1 

Title Slide—Weeks X–X/Week Title/Presenter Name  

Slides 2–3 

An incorporation and analysis of the Required Resources from this pair of weeks, 

including identification of an original research topic (related to the general topic for the week, to a specific reading for the week, or to apparent gaps in the literature) 

Slides 4–6 

An identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, 

or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic 

Slides 7–8 

An evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to 

business/management practice and their impact on positive social change 

Slides 9–10 

APA­formatted References slide(s) (to include a minimum of 10 peer­reviewed, 

scholarly new references) 

Refer to the Presentation Format document for more information about the expected contents of your Presentation. For suggestions on creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, see the Learning Resources for Weeks 6-7.

Refer to the Presentation Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Rubric Detail



Superior Criteria

Excellent Criteria

Satisfactory Criteria

Marginal Criteria

Unsatisfactory Criteria

Not Submitted

Element 1: Incorporation and Analysis of Readings

10 (10%)

Student's presentation incorporates a thorough and detailed analysis of the Learning Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Several sources and examples support thinking.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student's presentation incorporates a thorough and detailed analysis of the Learning Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in analysis.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student's presentation incorporates an analysis of most of the Learning Resources from this 2-week unit; and/or some key information is lacking or not fully developed, and may include identification of any apparent gaps in the literature; and detailed notes may be incomplete under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Some sources and examples support thinking.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student's presentation provides a cursory or incomplete analysis of the Learning Resources from this 2-week unit and/or does not include detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Few sources or examples support thinking.


Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 2: Original Research Topic & Background Information

10 (10%)

Student's presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week's literature and provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Several sources and examples support thinking.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student's presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week's literature and provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in analysis.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student's presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week's literature and provides an analysis with some details regarding the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Some sources and examples support thinking.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student's presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week's literature but provides a cursory or incomplete analysis with vague or missing details regarding the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Few sources or examples support thinking.


Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 3: Evaluation of Main Concepts & Impact on Positive Social Change

10 (10%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Several sources and examples support thinking.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in evaluation.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student presents an evaluation of the main concepts with some details on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Some sources and examples support thinking.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student presents a cursory or incomplete evaluation of the main concepts with vague or missing details on their application to business/management practice and/or their impact on positive social change. Few sources and examples support thinking.


Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 4: Minimum of 10 Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly New References

10 (10%)

Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references, including correct in-text citations, related to the proposed research topic.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references, including correct in-text citations, related to the proposed research topic. There are one or two minor errors in the reference citations and/or References slide.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references; however, some citations and/or References slide entries are incorrectly cited and/or are loosely connected to the proposed research topic.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student includes fewer than 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references and/or many citations are not peer-reviewed, scholarly references and/or do not relate to the proposed research topic.


Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 5: Critical Analysis in Presentation

10 (10%)

Student demonstrates an excellent ability to engage in scholarly thinking and presents a clear and coherent critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. The presentation shows a high degree of discovery and creativity in assimilating, synthesizing, and framing the resources into a coherent, plausible response. Student demonstrates a clear understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student demonstrates a very good ability to engage in scholarly thinking and presents a clear and coherent critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. The presentation shows a high degree of discovery and creativity in assimilating, synthesizing, and framing the resources into a coherent, plausible response. Student demonstrates a very good understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student demonstrates some ability to engage in scholarly thinking and presents a critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. Student demonstrates some understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student does not demonstrate the ability to engage in scholarly thinking and presents a weak critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. Student demonstrates a vague understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.


Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 6: Response to Colleague's Posting

10 (10%)

Student responds to at least two colleagues, thoroughly addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the "so what?" questions in the field and how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics and how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student responds to at least two colleagues, mostly addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the "so what?" questions in the field and how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics and how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student responds to two colleagues, somewhat addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the "so what?" questions in the field and how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics and/or how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student responds to two colleagues, vaguely addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the "so what?" questions in the field and how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics and/or how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.


Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 7: Discussion Forum Engagement

10 (10%)

Student actively engages with several peers in the discussion forum more than two times each week.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student engages with peers in the discussion forum two or more times each week.

8.5 (8.5%)

Student engages with peers in discussion forum at least one time each week.

7.5 (7.5%)

Student engages with peers in the discussion forum at least one time in the two-week span.


Does not meet minimal standards and/or did not participate in the discussion forum.


Did not submit element.

Element 8: Written Delivery Style & Grammar

15 (15%)

Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are no spelling or grammar errors.

14.25 (14.25%)

Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are one or two minor errors in spelling or grammar.

12.75 (12.75%)

Student mostly follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student mostly communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are some errors in spelling or grammar.

11.25 (11.25%)

Student does not follow APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style and does not communicate in a cohesive, logical style.

7.5 (7.5%)

Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Element 9: Formal and Appropriate Documentation of Evidence, Attribution of Ideas (APA Citations)

15 (15%)

Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents, and lists of charts, etc. There are no APA errors.

14.25 (14.25%)

Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents, and lists of charts, etc. There are one or two minor errors in APA style or format.

12.75 (12.75%)

Student mostly adheres to scholarly reference requirements and/or mostly adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents, and lists of charts, etc. Some errors in APA format and style are evident.

11.25 (11.25%)

Student demonstrates weak or inconsistent adherence to scholarly reference requirements and/or weak or inconsistent adherence to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents, and lists of charts, etc. Several errors in APA format and style are evident.

7.5 (7.5%)

Does not meet minimal standards.


Did not submit element.

Name: USW1_DDBA_8510_Presentation_Rubric

(Note: My research Topic related 1st two references, so u can use this two reference in PPT)

Week 6-7 Learning Resources

Recommended Readings

1. Wang, C., Zhang, Q., & Zhang, W. (2020). Corporate social responsibility, green supply chain management and firm performance: The moderating role of big-data analytics capability. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 37, 100557.

2. Maryniak, A. (2017). Competitive instruments preferred by customers versus the level of pro-environmental activities in a supply chain. LogForum, 13(2), 159–169.

Avittathur, B., & Jayaram, J. (2016). Supply chain management in emerging economies. Decision, 43(2), 117–124.

Jean, R.-J., Wang, Z., Zhao, X., & Sinkovics, R. R. (2016). Drivers and customer satisfaction outcomes of CSR in supply chains in different institutional contexts: A comparison between China and Taiwan. International Marketing Review, 33(4), 514–529.

Moosmayer, D. C., & Davis, S. M. (2016). Staking cosmopolitan claims: How firms and NGOs talk about supply chain responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 135(3), 403–417.

Nematollahi, M., Hosseini-Motlagh, S.-M., & Heydari, J. (2017). Coordination of social responsibility and order quantity in a two-echelon supply chain: A collaborative decision-making perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 107–121.

Walden University. (n.d.). APA course paper template.

Presentation Format Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2007a). Designing an effective PowerPoint: Quick guide [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2007b). Peer review: Looking at texts from a reader’s perspective [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Walden University. (n.d.). APA presentation template.

Walden University Academic Skills Center. (2017). Microsoft PowerPoint resources. Retrieved from

Walden University Writing Center. (2017c). Common course assignments: Annotated bibliographies. Retrieved from

Document: Presentation Format (PDF)

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