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The Gothic, Final Paper

Proposal guidelines:
1, Because we’ve allowed for more topics this time around, list which topic you’ve chosen(doppelg?ngers in optionA, or one of the other elements from option B).
2, What three texts are you using? It?s fine if you change your mind as we continue reading throughout the week.
3, What is your central research question?
4,What is your hypothesis (or guess)about the answer?
5, Questions drive analysis! List at list 4 supporting questions you hope to answer or explore in this paper.

Final Paper: Due Thursday, 1/11 midnight

Option A: Analyze why Gothic texts employ doppelg?ngers, and explore what makes doppelg?ngers still relevant to contemporary gothic texts. You must use all of the following texts:
(1)At least one novel we’ve studied (?Matthew Gregory Lewis, The Monk (1796) ? Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)* (make sure you have the right version!) ? Robert Lewis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) ? Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) ? Stanley Kubrick?s Steven King adaptation, The Shining (1980));
(2)One additional text that we’ve read in class (criticism, short stories, or poems in the below websites and attachments);
(3)A contemporary text we’ve studied or will study in class(The Shining, music videos, trailers, TV show clips, the below websites and attachments)

OptionB: Analyze one of the elements of Gothic fiction listed below, and explore how it is still relevant to contemporary gothic texts. You must use all of the following texts:
(1)At least one novel we’ve studied (?Matthew Gregory Lewis, The Monk (1796) ? Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)* (make sure you have the right version!) ? Robert Lewis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) ? Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) ? Stanley Kubrick?s Steven King adaptation, The Shining (1980));
(2)One additional text that we’ve read in class (criticism, short stories, or poems in the below websites and attachments);
(3)A contemporary text we’ve studied or will study in class(The Shining, music videos, trailers, TV show clips, the below websites and attachments)
Possible elements:
The Uncanny, The Sublime, Terror, Horror, Creepy locals, Dualities, Physiognomy, Suspense, The Supernatural.

The additional text and contemporary text in the below attachment. And there are also some websites which you can choose your texts to do the research.

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