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Smart Robots And Society



Zell Labs has a running contract with the U.S. Government to assess the effects that new technologies might have on our society. You are a social scientist working for the prominent Zell Labs and have been assigned as the head of the Emerging Technology Task Force (ETTF). Your primary function is to identify emerging technologies that your company can research and provide findings to the U.S. Office of Science and Technology. In your previous scientific endeavors, you became aware of an up-and-coming technology that might give Zell Labs something to consider. This technology is the advent of Smart Robots.


In your initial investigation of emerging technologies, you have noted that Smart Robots have been listed on Gartners Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies for 2018. Create a written feasibility study containing a detailed SWOT Analysis with at least three examples of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats along with an impact statement that addresses the following:

  • Critique the positive and negative effects Smart Robots could have on society.
  • Analyze how we view ourselves, others, and the environment in a world immersed in the use of Smart Robots.
  • Hypothesize the impact Smart Robots might have on society’s mental and physical health.

The research will need to be conducted to complete this assessment. Be sure to use credible resources, properly integrate resources into your feasibility study, and give proper attribution through citations.

Requirements to pass

Thorough and detailed positive and negative effects of Smart Robots on society fully developed. 

Thorough and detailed analysis of how we view ourselves, others, and the environment in a world immersed in the use of Smart Robots fully developed.

Thorough and detailed impact Smart Robots might have on society’s mental and physical healthfully developed. 

Thorough and detailed SWOT Analysis with more than three examples of each category provided. 

Credible resources were properly integrated and attributed using APA formatting and a proper formatted Reference Page was submitted. 

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