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Showing moral courage can be risky in the professional setting. In addition, distinguishing between moral courage and moral arrogance can be difficult. Describe an incidence in which you or a colleague exhibited moral courage. What was the response of the team? Did anyone experience repercussions? How did this impact the relationships around you or your colleague?

Nguyen, J.  (2019). Legal and ethical issues for health professions (4th ed.). Elsevier.

Lachman, V. D., Murray, J. S., Iseminger, K., & Ganske, K. M. (2017, June 20). Doing the right thing: Pathways to moral courage. Retrieved August 21, 2017, from

Murray, J.S., (Sept 30, 2010) “Moral Courage in Healthcare: Acting Ethically Even in the Presence of Risk” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 15, No. 3, Manuscript 2.

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