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Powerpoint APA style

Read Chapters 5 & 6

Review PPTs Chapter 5 & 6 ( I have Attached)

Step 2: Tasks to complete
Select a topic focused on depressants, hallucinogenics, marijuana (see topics below).
Utilize presentation software (PowToons, PPT, Sway, Prezi(is what most students are using), etc.)

Suggested Topics:

Heroin ( I PREFER)

If one of these topics is easier I do not mind.

APA Citations: Cite your paper using APA Citations and a Reference Section. WorldCat is another source I use to help me create a reference page. To use WorldCat, type in the name of your source, click “search everything”  and choose your citing format.

Drugs use and Abuse 9th Edition  Howard Abadinsky

Has to be an APA Style Powerpoint with a references page

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