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Essay Overview:

Each module will require that you write and submit a thoughtful essay, of 1500 to 2000 words, in response to ANY ONE of the several essay question choices provided within that module.

The assigned essay question is drawn directly from its module's assigned textbook readings. Your essay should provide a relevant, thorough, and detailed response to the essay question assigned. Draw directly upon our assigned reading in order to carefully craft your response.

Essay Instructions:

1. Write and submit a thoughtful, thorough, substantial essay, of at least 1500 words, in direct response to ONE (your choice) of the Module 3 essay questions below.

2. Draw directly upon our assigned textbook readings for this module in carefully crafting your detailed response.

3. Please double-space your essay, include your name at the top of its first page, and be sure to cite all sources quoted or paraphrased from (even if it’s only our textbooks).

4. Don’t forget to include a bibliography or “works cited” page at the end!

5. This essay is DUE by the end of Module 3. Submit it to the Module 3 Essay Assignment dropbox no later than the last day of this module.

Module 3 Essay Questions:(Choose just ONE to answer — either 1, 2, or 3):

1. In what way, if any, does Molinism provide a way out of the problem of evil for the traditional theist? Does the traditional theist thereby pay too high of a price, by accepting Molinism as a solution to the problem? Why or why not?

2. Compare and contrast ANY TWO of the following responses to evil: (a) Plantinga's free will defense; (b) John Hick's Irenaean theodicy; (c) the response to evil from process theology. Which of those two, in your mind, provides a more coherent resolution to the problem of evil?

3. J. L. Mackie (following David Hume) believes that there are reasons to think that miracles do not provide a sufficient case for theism. What are those reasons? Are they credible?

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