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Lead contamination

This is a 5-page paper which explains the
Policy  problem & background lucidly, with good organization, logical connections between each part,
      correct terms, & grammar, in APA format, about your chosen policy problem.  The Policy halfway
      paper only goes as far in your template as the end of the Science section. 
      If you have chosen an illness topic, be sure to include the epidemiology of the problem, the
      pathophysiology of the illness, treatments for the illness, & why the illness has not easily been
      prevented &/or treated.

POLICY PAPER template (APA format. Ensure headings for sections & sub-sections.)
Cover page with your name, course name & number with section, & TITLE of Issue paper
I.  Introduction:                                                                                                                        half-1 page 
                          1. What is the issue
                          2. Why it is important
II.  Science section:                                                                                                                        4 pages   
                            1. Epidemiological scope of the problem: statistics
                                2.  Medical/scientific explanation of problem or pathology
                                3.  Insufficient current treatments or solutions to problem

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