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HMO : A house in multiple occupation, or a house of multiple occupancy

Write approximately 4000 – 5000 words
On Chapter 1 and 2 and some of chapter 3 for the dissertation
Chapter 1

The Question for the Dissertation will be : What are the economic benefits of having Houses in multiple occupancy in Reading, United Kingdom?

Introduction overview What are we addressing in this chapter
Problem Statement
– Why do we need to help social housing? Whats the reason this country United Kingdom needs affordable housing and helping people with homes?  Is it because people are unable to buy and rent? So then what are the Social crisis? Homelessness? Depression? Amongst others? Explain. Look for literature reviews.  Could be articles as well. “This might be the reason for ….”
Research Aim
Objectives – THREE objectives (Steps to achieve the research) Maybe look at economic developing towns? And then look at HMOs in a general scope? And then put them together. Also state the challenges of doing HMOs. There can be investigation into the property investments in Reading. Qualitative methods to address economic benefits? Properties and investments in economic developing towns such as Reading? HMO is beneficial too because of the school there?
A subway/tube line the Elizabeth line is due to open in 2021, connecting Heathrow airport, bond street and Reading. This is why were calling Reading an economic developing town due to its transport. Please research more into it.
Research Question
Conclusion of the first chapter

Chapter 2
Introduce the Gap in literature.
The history of housing.  After reading all the literature reviews, what has not been addressed? What aspects have people not looked at?

Chapter 3
Repeat the Question
Explain methodology. Using first hand research by going to see the houses in Reading. Meeting estate agents. Interviews. Amongst others? ?? Merging first hand research with second hand research? How will you plan to research this? What are the steps? What will you use?

Look at other property dissertations.

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