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1 NUR 39401 – Health Promotion and Education

Health Promotion Program Evidence-Based Literature Search

Name: _________________________

According to the American Nurses Association Scope and Standards of Practice, nurses have a duty to provide health education. It is important that the health information we share starts with gathering the highest level of evidence. This assignment is intended to take you through the steps of finding the best available evidence for your health promotion topic.

Step 1: Discover nursing databases. A database is a searchable collection of journal articles. Each database contains thousands of articles which you can search for simultaneously and quickly to find articles on a topic. The Purdue University Northwest library contains a large nursing database. Developing a search strategy will focus your search, allow the database to retrieve more relevant results, and ultimately save you time. Go to the Nursing Library Guide, click on the “Nursing Database” tab along the top, and explore the many nursing databases for your search.

Directions: Name two nursing databases that you found. (2 points)



Step 2: Formulate a PICO question. A PICO question assists you in focusing your literature search. PICO stands for (P) population, (I) intervention, (C) Comparison, and (O) Outcome. PICO questions help you yield the most relevant evidence when searching available literature. The PNW Research Librarian has developed a video on PICO questions. Open the NUR 39401 PNW Library Guide. Select the tab titled “PICO Search Tutorials” and watch the videos.

Here is an example of a well-written PICO question:

What is the effectiveness of offering mandatory training sessions (I) compared to posting signs in the hospital (C) on improving adherence to the hospital hand hygiene protocol (O) among nurses in the ICU (P)?

Directions: Write a PICO question related to your chosen topic for your health promotion presentation in the space provided below. (2 points)

2 NUR 39401 – Health Promotion and Education

Step 3: Develop your search strategy. Visit the PNW Library Online/Distance Learning Library Orientation: Database Searching and read the information provided in the “Database searching” tab. Once you have read the information, answer the following questions.

1. Keywords are words used to describe a topic. Quotation marks around words will retrieve results with

that exact phrase. As an example, if your chosen topic is preconception counseling, key words mightinclude: preconception care, preconception education, preconception nursing care.

2. Boolean operators are logical connectors including “and”, “or”, and “not” that are combined with keywords to structure a search in a database. Adding the word “and” narrows your search while adding theword “or” expands your search. The Boolean operator “not” helps to exclude items from your search.

Directions: List the 4 key words you used for your search (2 points)

Directions: Document two examples of your use of Boolean operators with your keywords (2 points)

Step 4: Find your evidence. Clinicians should use the best available evidence when providing health information. The articles you choose should be relevant to your topic and audience, published within the last 5 years, and be from a peer-reviewed journal. Provide, in APA style, a reference for two articles.

Reference 1: (2 points)

Reference 2: (2 points)


3 NUR 39401 – Health Promotion and Education

Step 5: Evaluating the evidence. All evidence is not considered equal. The hierarchies of evidence are organized around the research design and the repeatability of the results. The graph below demonstrates the levels of evidence. As seen in the graph, systematic reviews are considered the highest level of evidence. Editorials and expert opinion are considered the lowest levels of evidence.

Go to the PNW library guide Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice: Evidence Levels, Recommendations & Types. On the right side of the page, you will see descriptions for each of the study types listed on the pyramid along with an example article for each.

Image Source: The Joanna Briggs Institute

Directions: For this portion of the assignment, you will document the level of evidence for each of your references listed in Step 4.

Level of Evidence Reference 1: (2 points)

Level of Evidence Reference 2: (2 points)

Step 6: Finding reliable websites. In addition to articles, you may also use clinical guidelines or government agency websites for your Health Promotion project.

Visit the PNW library guide Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice: Websites and review the websites considered reliable. This site also provides a method for evaluating a site that is not on this list.

Directions: Document one reliable website that you will use to inform the content of your presentation.

Website Name: (Ex. America’s Health Ranking) (2 points)

Document, using APA reference, the page on the website that you will use from this site. (2 points)





  1. Name:
  2. Directions List the 4 key words you used for your search 2 points:
  3. Directions Document two examples of your use of Boolean operators with your keywords 2 points:
  4. Reference 1 2 points:
  5. Reference 2 2 points:
  6. Level of Evidence Reference 1 2 points:
  7. Level of Evidence Reference 2 2 points:
  8. Website Name Ex Americas Health Ranking 1 point:
  9. Document using APA reference the page on the website that you will use from this site 1 point:
  10. Text3:
  11. Directions Name two nursing databases that you found 2 points 1 2:
  12. Directions Write a PICO question related to your chosen topic for your health promotion presentation in the space provided below 4 points:
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