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Evaluate Business Programs of three 4 year Universities

7-10 pages total, SINGLE-SPACED, this is business format.
Block format (left aligned, with a single space between paragraphs)
Prefatory pages do not count toward the total pages, but the works cited does.

The report should contain the following elements:
Prefatory (precedes your page count)
Title page
Table of contents
Executive summary
Body: (this is your page count). You do not need a heading titled body
Use main headings and subheadings in your report to organize content. Main headings are shown below in CAPS. Subheads go under the main headings. Follow this heading hierarchy in your report (see example of an analytical report on the analytical report resource page). Headings signal to the reader that a new section of the report is starting. Headings in the body of the report will include:
Purpose of Report
Overview of criteria
Overview of schools
Criteria 1 (Name your criteria one. For example Entrance Requirements
Criteria 2 (Name your criteria two, etc.)
Criteria 3, Etc.
WORKS CITED (12 sources Please).

Use of graphs, charts and other visual aids are necessary, but they should not replace text (dont use as fillers). Minimum of four graphics and a maximum of five.

Topic: analytical report assignment is to evaluate the business programs of three four-year universities and determine which university is the best choice for obtaining a Masters degree in your field of study. The four criteria are Cost, Commuting, Convenience, and Post Graduation Employment Rates. Schools are going to be CSUSM, SDSU, and UC Irvine.

  (In State vs. Out of State)
  Tuition Assistance
  Online courses
  Executive programs for working students
  Accelerated programs
Train system

The goal of the research is to find data that compares the three schools on the specific criteria points . You will want to put that comparative data into a graphic (table, chart) that shows a visual comparison of the schools, for that criteria point.

Make sure your data is on Masters Programs (not undergraduate). The research links on the following page focus primarily on schools offering MBA programs. If your desired field of study for a graduate (Masters) degree is something other than business, simply search on google for rankings of schools offering graduate degrees in _______. Use searches along those keyword phrases and you will find plenty of research findings.
U.S. News and World Reports. Comparison Report ( // MBA Rankings (
Forbes. Business Schools ( Best Colleges by State (
Bloomberg Comparison Report – MBA (

I have attached a sample of what it should kind of look like too if that helps. If it goes over 8 pages that’s fine too.

Appreciate your help!

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