This chapter includes a description of the data collected for your study or the outcomes of your project. It is simply a description of the data or the outcomes, it does not include any interpretation of what they may mean (that is for the final chapter
Step 7 The Results Chapter
This chapter needs to include (use the bolded items as main headings for the Chapter):
1. An introduction to what will be covered in the chapter – Describe what the reader will encounter in the Results Chapter
2. A description of each of the outcomes of the project or findings of the study (use a subheading for each finding) – Use tables, graphs or figures to detail the results of the data analysis or outcomes of the project.
3. Remember this is only a description of the results, no interpretation or meaning should be included here.
4. A conclusion or summary that summarizes what was presented in the chapter. In condensed fashion tell the reader what they just encountered