Part B: Short Identifications – Identify and briefly explain the historical significance of six (6) of the following: Please clearly indicate which term/item your answers refer to. Each answer should be typed and should not exceed one half page single spaced, or one page double-spaced in 12 pt. font, Times New Roman. You can use […]
Archive for the ‘Na’ Category
Identify and briefly explain the historical significance of six (6) of the following:


European Colonies: Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz Loa for The Divine Narcissus AND Marc Lescarbot’s Le Thtre de Neptune en la Nouvelle-France ASSIGNED READING: Norton Anthology of Drama 1517-1532; Benson translation of Neptune in Wasserman pp 74-83 Both of these short pieces are written by European settlers and emerge out of […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

10th grade 1 page essay Macbeth act 1 write a well-developed response to the question using textual references to support your ideas. As the tragic hero, Macbeth has been presented to us as a noble hero who is loyal to his king and country. However, he will have a tragic flaw that will lead to […]