Ethnomusicology [Please also bid for “Book Review part 1”] Your book review should 1) situate the ethnography inrelevant scholarly conversations, 2) explain the authors thesis and methodology, 3)summarize each individual chapter, and 4) provide commentary on what you foundcompelling, and what you thought was lacking. 7-10 pages, 12-point font, 1-inchmargins, double-spaced. (Final paper includes introduction […]
Archive for the ‘Ethnomusicology citation style’ Category
Book Review part 1

Ethnomusicology [Please also bid for “Book Review part 2”] Please check 0. instruction document and complete four part.It’s basically introduction summary (3 pages) + outline.I did not add more pages for outline because you would need it anyways for final 7-10 pages long paper. But please make sure you follow the same format to document […]

Hello! Thank you for the help! You basically have to choose a book, read it, and write a paper. [Important] There are several components that need to be completed by certain date.1. Book choice, Introduction summary (3pages), bibliography = due by 5/17 noon PST2. Outline of Entire book = due by 5/24 noon PST3. Rest […]