REFLECTION PAPERS. This paper is a detailed and specific forum for you to consider the ethical, legal, applied, and philosophical issues relevant to counseling. Though these papers are your opinion they must be informed opinion. Thus, you must reference and discuss specific ethical code(s), cases, articles, etc Each paper must be at least 5 […]
Archive for the ‘Psychology’ Category

3 methodologies Phenomenological Grounded Theory Generic Qualitative Inquiry The assignment should be formatted as follows: Section 1: Describe the process of data analysis for the first qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs). Section 2: Describe the process of data analysis for the second qualitative methodology that was selected (12 paragraphs). Section 3: Describe the […]
Discussion 2: Considerations In Designing A Qualitative Study

Using what you have learned about your topic from your literature search, you are working towards formulating a research purpose and question. Note that in the Learning Resources for this week, the language of qualitative research is incorporated into how the research purpose and question is formulated. Here are some basic dos and donts. […]
Discussion 1: Conceptualizing A Qualitative Research Question

Good research is driven by the synthesis of ones passion or interest with a topic that has been under-studied in the professional literature. Out of that synthesis emerges a gapan area in need of further study that is consistent with your intereststhat defines the research problem. Clarifying the research problem takes time, effort, and […]
Week 7

Instructions This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed psychology journal article. You should find an article containing research that examines motivation, emotion, and social psychology. Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of […]
Discussion Question 2

International Negotiation as Global Leadership Skill Analyzing international negotiation can provide important insights for being effective global leaders. Multi-cultural negotiating skills are increasingly necessary to effectively manage multinational network organizations. Multi-cultural skills are increasingly necessary for effectively leading domestic organizations as well. For the first paragraph of your posting, discuss how international negotiation might […]
Project: Cultural Differences

Project: Cultural Differences This course has major project assignments that will be due in weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a weeks effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due. The course project […]
Week 7 Discussion

How does workplace stress affect employees and the productivity of the workplace? What types of conflict contribute to stress in the workplace? Be sure to include a minimum of 2 academic references in your answer.
Literature Review/Introduction

you will use the five (5) sources below to address the chosen topic. you are, in essence, building your literature review (introduction section) for your final paper. A literature review is both a summary as well as an explanation of knowledge. Next, based on your understanding of each article, answer the following questions that pertain […]
Whats Your Problem Discussion 3

Week 3: You Cant Get There From Here: Reasoning and Pathways A traveler comes upon a farmer and asks him for directions to his destination. The farmer scratches his head and begins to give directions, but then stops, shakes his head, and begins again. After a few attempts the farmer says, You cant get there […]