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Archive for the ‘Natural science’ Category


Write at least 5 paragraphs of at least 5 complete and meaningful and reasonably long sentences each. The first thing I will do when grading is count paragraphs and sentences.  At the bottom of the page, please list the websites/sources you visited for information (just the website address is okay, this is not a formal […]

Environmental Movement Timeline

For this assignment you will create an historical timeline of the modern environmental movement (within or outside the United States) in order to have an understanding of the history of the movement alongside assessing strengths and limitations of each stage. Tasks: The timeline contains at least 1015 events related to the topic being studied. The […]

Prompt Answering #2

Prompt #1 In today’s lecture, we explored various examples of creative work centred on climate change. Identify an example of climate change creative work not discussed today that you find to be particularly relevant or appropriate to your final project. What kind of artwork is this? Is it data visualization, data art, or some other […]

For this lab assignment, you will Tell the Story of a bacteria and/or virus, focusing on the laboratory testing techniques that lead to the identification of the specimen, and the resultant disease diagnosis.

For this lab assignment, you will Tell the Story of a bacteria and/or virus, focusing on the laboratory testing techniques that lead to the identification of the specimen, and the resultant disease diagnosis. Instructions: Find a helpful video from the web (that is created by someone else) which outlines the laboratory testing process (such as […]

social organization of convenience

Convenience is a major feature of the modern world that we inhabit. But what is the cost? Identify and list examples that illustrate the “social organization of convenience” (think beyond vehicles and select a less obvious example for your response). Discuss whether there could conceivably be alternative forms of convenience that people would like and […]

Discussion post

For this discussion, you will give an example of a real-world scenario in which someone would need to make use of what you learned in Chapter 10 about acids and bases, or a way in which acid-base chemistry plays an important role. Example: =>  Shampoos are often marketed as “pH-balanced”.  What does that mean, and […]

Physics of light and matter,physiology of human colour vision, and chemistry of surface colorants

In this written report, you need to find one media and one scholarly article and compare the two of them, write a short summary of each article and answer 7 questions. Choose between these 3 (physics of light and matter, physiology of human colour vision, and chemistry of surface colorants) topics. *** The media articles […]


How did the article deepen and enrich your understanding of the science; what new insights did you gain from the article?How did the article deepen your understanding of the process of scientific advancement? OR Why is basic research, with no direct anticipated application, important?If you wanted to investigate further, what questions do you have for […]


Molecule/substance IntroductionThe common and IUPAC name of molecule/substance. IUPAC Nomenclature Of Organic Chemistry. Where you can observe your molecule/substance in society and/or in nature.A brief discussion on why you chose your molecule/substance. If possible, a picture and/or video of you safely observing your molecule/substance in the field. If you cannot safely observe it, please include […]

Disposal of Electronic Devices

You perhaps have gone through several electronic devices in your life, for example, cell phones, tablets, and/or computers.  How did you dispose of these devices when they outlived their usefulness?  Your paper should clearly reflect your views, how they have changed over time, and whether you are thinking of doing anything differently. You should use […]

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