An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement.Three body paragraphs that each focus on a separate major detail.A summary paragraph that summarizes your main ideas and puts a bow on the essay.Your reference page will list all of your sources in APA style.Additionally, be sure to proof your essay draft carefully for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.Applied […]
Archive for the ‘English and Literature’ Category
Any topic (writer’s choice)

One paragraph of 300 words, two paragraphs are required2. Major: Architecture3. No beginning and end required4. You need to write a manuscript based on this brief brief,5. Three references are needed in the article The Future:A critical appraisal of a contemporary campaign or movement for professional change within architecture. What is the situation that is […]
Unemployment and lack of economic opportunity

Subject: global societal problemTopic: Unemployment and lack of economic opportunityReflect: Based on the topic that you have chosen, you will need to use critical thinking skills to thoroughly understand how this topic can be a global societal problem and determine some logical solutions to the problem.Write: This Final Paper, an argumentative essay, will present research […]
Statute of limitations of sexual harassment

Conclusion (150-200 words):Revisit the controversy.Emphasize the seriousness of the controversy.Answer the So what? question.Suggest a general solution (optional).Call for awareness/action.Leave the reader with a final thought.Abstract (200 words or less): For this assignment, you may not exceed 200 words.Restatement of the controversy (one to two sentences)Your thesis (one sentence)Reasons (three to four sentences)Conclusion sentence (one […]
Comparison essay

I need the draft by tonight and the essay is not until june 20 the essay needs to be 1200 words on two pages as it says on is shows on instructions and rubric my writer needs to view the other work hes done for me so in order to complete this one
Critical Analysis Essay

Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a critical analysis essay. Writing is a craft that people spend a lifetime refining, and one that allows people to express themselves in various ways. Effective writing has the ability to shape and inform the opinions of its readers. The ability to articulate a […]

Describe a situation in which you had to make the choice between two unfavorable resolutions. You must detail the situation, describe what you feel/felt were the two unfavorable choices, detail the pros and cons of each choice and tell what you decided/are going to decide. Please also discuss the long term implications of your choice.
masque of the red death

write an eassy. Edgar Allen Poe wrote “Masque of the Red Death” as an allegory for the topic of avoidance. Begin your response by summarizing what you think is the story’s allegorical meaning–the symbolic meaning behind the surface narrative. Then explain what you interpret are the consequences of avoidance according to the story. Be sure […]
First Amendment

Write a complete draft of at least 500 words. Your draft should include: introduction with a hook (include a simile or metaphor)body paragraph 1history, amendment, and advocate quotebody paragraph 2landmark court case and at least one quotationbody paragraph 3contemporary court cases and at least one quotationconclusionMLA in-text citations foradvocate quotelandmark court casecontemporary court casestransitionsdomain-specific vocabularyRemember, […]

For this paper you will need to read one of the Arthur Conan Doyle stories about Sherlock Holmes that we have not covered in class. I have provided a list of the stories I would like you to choose from under the Announcements on Blackboard. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the story […]