As we progress as a society, so too does our technology. Innovation and invention are cohesive, and our species has a natural instinct to create and improve. At some point humans drew their attention towards improving something else, the very food that we consume. Genetically modified organisms (or GMOs) are nothing new, Humans began genetically […]
Archive for the ‘Engineering – Electronic Engineering’ Category
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GMOs or genetically modified organisms have become a topic of discussion in recent years because of the break-through in the food industry. Still, looking back at human history, we have been genetically modifying for thousands of years. Not till 1973, scientist Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen conducted the first successful genetically engineered organism where […]
6G impact of this technology on society. The technology can be one that exists in an alternate world, one that hasnt been invented yet or one that is in the process of being developed. There are no limitations on your technology idea.

Start by brainstorming various technologies that interest you. The technology can be one that exists in an alternate world, one that hasnt been invented yet or one that is in the process of being developed. There are no limitations on your technology idea. You may decide to create a car that uses water as […]
Short Paper Should They Be Saved?

In 1990 Helga Wanglie, an 86 year old woman, suffered cardiopulmonary failure. She was put on a respirator, fed intravenously and injected with antibiotics. Although she remained in a vegetative state, her family insisted that she be kept alive. For the next 17 months $800,000 was expended on her maintenance. As we continue to […]
Frankenfoods The role of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our food production has been an increasingly trending topic in current events.

The role of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in our food production has been an increasingly trending topic in current events. As further research is conducted on the long-term effects of this technology, we are seeing increased protest from groups claiming this technology is unnatural, labeling the products of GMOs Frankenfoods. Alternatively, the use of […]
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A topic that has interested me is that of bio-fuels and bio-fuel technology. It isn’t something that is discussed heavily in the mainstream, but it is an industry that has grown significantly over the last two decades, is helping reduce the negative environmental impact of fossil fuels, and is proving to be a profitable […]
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As discussed, science and technology are not mutually exclusive but certain aspects are intertwined and one can and often does drive the advancement of the other. Robotics for example began as science fiction and has evolved into a reality because of advances in both science and technology. Recently the emergence of Soft Robotics has […]
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Often, we interchange science and technology. Science is the natural drive from humans for the pursuit of information which create desires in us that create a hole. We fill that desire using technology as a means to an end. To have advanced to where we have today, it would not have been possible […]
a written agreement among members, will identify the teams purpose and its members mutually-agreed upon expectations and contributions.

Your team charter, a written agreement among members, will identify the teams purpose and its members mutually-agreed upon expectations and contributions. By developing this charter, each member will clearly understand his/her team responsibilities.Team charters encourage members to build more trusting relationships with one another. Although team charters may vary, the basic components include the […]
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Traditionally, technology has been associated with rationality, objectivity and structure; traits oft considered masculine in the traditional societal definition of gender roles. While some technologies have largely been male-dominated, throughout history, women have had an often unrecognized presence in making significant contributions to these technological advancements. One such technology would be the digital computer. While […]