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Business Systems & Operations

Business Systems & Operations

Assignment Brief                                                                                                      

1. Why should YOU study marketing?
2. Using practical examples, discuss the key challenges facing companies in the twenty-first century in reaching consumers?
3. Are the marketing skills that drove huge growth of budget airlines the same as those needed to address the marketing challenge they currently face?
4. Go to 2 fast food restaurants and order a meal. Note the questions you are asked and observe how orders are handled; did you observe any significant differences in how orders handled?

Consider the differences you saw. Do you think the restaurants have different marketing management philosophies? Which is closest to the marketing concept? Is one closer to the selling or production concept?


5. A very common question small business people have about the pricing strategy section of the marketing plan is: How do you know what price to charge? What would your advice be to them?
6. Visit a shopping centre. Choose a category of shop. List the competing shops in each category, walk past them and quickly observe their merchandise and style. Note how the shops are decorated and how well they are located. Note what other shops are close to them and how close they are to their competitors.

    1. Consider the attitudes of the shoppers you saw. Did some apparently find shopping a pleasure, while others found it a bother?
    2. A major goal for marketing is to maximise consumer satisfaction. Discuss the extent to which the shopping centre serves this goal.
7. In 1985 the Coca-Cola Company introduced reformulated Coca-Cola, often referred to as “new Coke,” marking the first formula change in 99 years. The company didn’t set out to create the firestorm of consumer protest that ensued; instead, The Coca-Cola Company intended to re-energize its Coca-Cola brand and the cola category in its largest market, the United States. However the backlash from consumers was enormous in scale and its scope. What went wrong and why?
8. Are some groups more susceptible than others to certain types of marketing promotion? If they are, at what point and how should they be protected?



The assignment is weighted at 100% of the total unit grade.

Word Limits,

The portfolio you submit needs to include 5 tasks (you have a choice from the 8 in total we will discuss in weekly seminars) the word limit is 500 words per task, so: 2,500 words (+/- 10%) in total.

Appendices: Reference lists, bibliographies, photos etc. are NOT included in the word count.


The answers need to be word-processed.


We do not need paper copies submitted, just an e-copy, which needs to be submitted via the portfolio link on Breo.


As each submission is 500 words (+/- 10%) – you need to use a short essay format:

Brief introduction, points, supported by examples and references, followed by a brief conclusion.

Include the title of your question, include your appendices at the end of EACH answer (these are not included in the word count).

Start the next answer on a new page.

You submit all 5 of your answers in a single document using the format listed above.

Submission Date

By 10.00 am on Friday 20th January 2017.

How to submit:

If you are having problems logging in to BREO and/or Turnitin, then please contact:

Student Information Desk (S.I.D) either drop in or see them, for locations click here, or you can contact them on the following: 0300 300 0042 or email

Reflection & Feedback

We will debrief each area across the seminar sessions. At each seminar we will discuss the task, possible answer options and respond to questions from you. By attending each session you will be able to improve you initial answer thereby achieving a higher grade.

By either not attending or not preparing the weekly activity you are effectively choosing do dilute your grade at worst, or gambling at the best.

Guide to maximising your grade:

Please refer to the grading criteria below:

Excellent work: A grade band (72 % – 100%)

*     An analysis which deals fully with the major elements from a marketing point of view

*     Selection and amplification of ideas which accord with the analysis presented

*     Work which shows very good grasp of the marketing topic

*     Effective use of language and a developed critical evaluation

*     An excellent and cohesive response

Above average work: B grade band (62-68%)

*     An analysis which deals competently with most of the assignment’s tasks.

*     A reasonable choice of ideas which in aggregate show your understanding of the major elements of the assignment

*     Answers which are appropriate and show a good awareness of marketing concepts and principles which relate to the questions

*     Good use of language and a developed critical evaluation

*     A good cohesive response

Average work: C grade band (52-58%)

*     An analysis, which deals with most areas in a manner which, is correct.

* A response which is in the main appropriate and shows a good awareness of marketing concepts and principles which relate to the questions

*     Reasonable use of language and a developed critical evaluation

*    A cohesive response

Below average work: D grade band (42-48%)

*    A response which would be considered very poor in an academic context which does not allow the marker to identify task completion.

*     An erroneous or substantially incomplete analysis from a marketing point of view

*     Answers which show poor understanding of the concepts in question


There are several people you can refer / speak to. Your unit tutors’ have office hours use this time to help yourself to prepare fully and ask questions regarding the task.

Academic librarians can also be a useful place to go; they can help you access materials to reference and support your preparations.

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