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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Percentage of Course: 30% (100 marks)
Question 1: (60 marks)
Discuss whether you think women are more mobile today than in the past and whether this is a positive
turn of events. To answer this question, you will need to explain the concept of mobility by explaining
how it has been changed by
a) globalization;
b) international inequities;
c) migration; and
d) changes in organization of work and public private spaces.
Suggested source readings that you could use to answer this question:
Dart, Ponzanesi, Dirty Pretty Things, Neil and Nies, Hanson, Barndt, Sassen, Enloe
Melissa Gilbert for mobility
(Suggested length for Question 1: 4 pages 10-12 pt font double-spaced; longer answers acceptable
within reason)
An A answer will include the following:
– a good explanation of the concept of mobility and justification for whether it has improved;
– an explanation of how each social change has contributed to the experience of mobility for
different groups of people
– grounded in at least four readings from the second half of the course (from Week 7 onwards
see above recommendations for source readings).
– Appropriately cited, clearly written and well-constructed
Question 2: (40 marks)
Discuss how digital social media technology interacts with your physical world and has shaped how
your sense of identity and how you relate to others.
This question should be answered by paying attention to how social media and virtual realities have
enmeshed with everyday face-to-face situated realities. Direct your attention to the ideas and issues that
arise in the discussion and lectures about iScape to help you with this answer.
There are many ways you can enter into this discussion. One possible way of answering this question is
to think about your sense of identity or your understanding of who you are, or your interactions with
others, and see how the interaction of virtual reality and physical reality interact to create your sense of
For example, if Alek Minassian was answering this question, he might think about his Incel affiliation
and explain how his everyday world is shaped by his choice to seek out Incel groups and individuals on
social media, and how his use of personal mobiles actually helped him carve out a personal space that
transcend his immediate environment and network, and allowed him to construct himself as an Incel.
And the consequences.
Another example is this: You could also think about how you travel using mobile social media
technologies that have allowed you to transform yourself. How transformative learning (Pung et al)
has become your ongoing engagement with social media that directly impacts on how you interact with
people in your everyday world.
Suggested sources:
All readings related to Mobile Technologies personal device and social media (esp.Week 10); Pung et
(Suggested length: 2-3 pages 10-12 pt font double spaced; longer answers acceptable within reason)
An A answer will include the following:
– Show the ways that social media technology has reshaped your sense of space and time and the
– Explain your socially-mediated experience in relation to your social location and status (who you
– Illustrates how these personal and social media technologies have become embedded in your
interactions and sense of who you are.
– Should be grounded in at least two readings (especially the ones on social media and personal
mobile devices).
– Appropriately cited, clearly written and well-constructed
Other Notes:
All essay questions should be fully cited and properly formatted as an essay with clear central argument
and organization of ideas.
For citation style guides in MLA, APA or Chicago, co

Non-Places and Unsettling Home and Borders
Modern social changes have created difficulties in maintaining a clear separation between the public and
private, home and work etc.; what happens when spaces do not have distinct character of being home, being
private or public, being a place that has a distinct identity or an organic community? These changing spatial
boundaries require different negotiation by social actors. What happens when people are caught in these
ambiguous situations or have no sense of place?

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