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psychological or medical societies,

To begin your Assignment, do a search of the Kaplan Library and the internet. You are also to use course material, but your project should include at least four additional references from the library and/or the internet (your final Assignment must include one library resource). The internet sources you use for the Assignment should be credible. You should not use internet sites such as Wikipedia where anyone can post information or Your information should be from acceptable psychological or medical societies, such as the National Institute of Health, Web MD, etc.
You will address the following areas that are outlined in the patient portfolio document. Part 2 through Part 4 of the patient portfolio should be a minimum of 675 words. All work should be in the student?s own words with quotes used very sparingly. No more than 10% of the work should be direct quotations. Be sure to address each of the issues with the use of several sources in the form of in-text citations to support your answers, and use proper APA format, including Times New Roman 12-point font. For help with APA writing style, please refer to the APA Quick Reference on Course Home and the Kaplan Writing Center (accessible from your student home page).
Using the provided template, as-is, develop the patient?s portfolio by addressing the following:
Part1: Background information about the patient
Provide background information that includes (a) the patient?s disorder, and (b) a list of the diagnostic criteria that the patient meets listed in the DSM-5 under the diagnostic criteria for the disorder.
Part 2:Psychological Approach
Select a psychological theory from the course textbook (chose either a cognitive or behavioral theory). Refer directly to the textbook or an academic source to explain the theory. After explaining the theory, apply it by discussing how it may explain the development of the case study?s mental illness. (Approximately 225 words)
Part 3: Biological Approach
Select a theory from the biological approach from the course textbook (choose either the genetic or neurological influence). Refer directly to the textbook or an academic source to explain the theory. After explaining the theory, apply it by discussing how it may explain the development of the case study?s mental illness. (Approximately 225 words)
Part 4:Sociocultural Approach
Select a theory from the social and cultural or interpersonal relationship approach from the course textbook. Refer to the textbook or an academic source to explain the theory. After explaining the theory, apply it by discussing how it may explain the development of the case study?s mental illness. (Approximately 225 words)
Part 5: Treatment
Discuss what types of medical approaches (ECT, prescription medications, psychosurgery, or current medical devises) you would recommend for the patient by referring to studies showing its effectiveness in treating the disorder. (Approximately 75 words)
Compare and contrast the side effects the patient may experience from the selected type of medical approach and support what benefit the treatment has on the brain chemistry or neurotransmitter activity. (Approximately 75 words)
Discuss psychotherapy options (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, exposure therapy). Explain the chosen therapy and specifically how the patient would benefit from it. (Approximately 100 words)
Provide both short and long-term goals for the patient?s treatment plan. Include accomplishments or behavioral changes you want to see in the patient. (Approximately 75 words)
Part 6: Conclusion
Defend which of the approaches can best explain the development (or cause) of the case study?s mental disorder and why your chosen treatment plan would be the most beneficial plan for the patient (biological approach, psychological approach, or sociocultural approach). (Approximately 150 words)

Must Used Kaplan lib and book for one references and this case study

Case study

Abnormal Psychology: Case Study

Case Study 4: James: General Anxiety Disorder

The Case

James is a 31-year-old man, living in New York City. His problems began during his residency, after

graduating from medical school. Being an internal medicine resident, his life is full of constant pressure

and responsibilities. His normal schedule involves 36-hour on call periods, daily 6:00 a.m. rounds, and

constant emergencies, and is grueling and exhausting. Gradually, he began to notice that both he and

his fellow residents were making a number of small errors and oversights in the care they provided to

patients and although they were not life threatening, he still found himself ruminating about these

lapses. He began hesitating to make decisions and taking action, for fear of making some catastrophic

mistake. His anxieties steadily worsened until he began calling in sick and avoiding particularly stressful

situations at the hospital. This resulted in not completing many of the assignments given to him by the

chief resident, who threatened to report him to the program head. As the year wore on, James?s

performance continued to decline, and by the end of the year, he was threatened with dismissal from

the program. Finally, he resigned at the end of the year.

Directly before his resignation, he began making plans to transfer to a less demanding program and with

the help of a colleague; he was accepted to a smaller, less demanding program in the same area. In fact,

the second position was far less taxing for the first year and James and at first, he honestly believed that

he could manage well with the demands and responsibilities. However, within a few months, the dread

of making a mistake and constant worry overwhelmed him and he, again, tendered his resignation. He

then began working as a researcher at biotech firm but even in this far less stressful position, he was still

overcome with negative feelings and worry about his competent. His contract with the firm ended a

year after he began the position and the company decided not to renew it. James is currently

unemployed, as even the thought of starting employment fills him with terrible anxieties, thus at this

point, he returned home to living with his parents and is living off a small trust fund set up for him by a

great uncle.

Not only did James?s terrible anxiety cripple his medical career, it has also created havoc in his

interpersonal relationships. His girlfriend of three years decided to break off their relationship because

of the stress his anxiety placed on their relationship. His parents, while supportive to a certain extent,

are disappointed in the lack of progress in his medical career. James realizes his fears are irrational and

intellectually knows that his is an intelligent and capable person; however, he is utterly powerless to

overcome his anxieties and takes great pains in avoiding situations that may exacerbate them.

Although with dysfunctional thought processes, James reports a number of somatic symptoms, including

tension, being easily distracted, and becoming easily irritated by minor problems. He often has

throbbing headaches, body aches and pains and is easily fatigued. Emotionally, he feels drained much of

the time, admitting to having low self-esteem and feeling ?worthless? and ?lazy.? Occasionally, brief

periods of intense panic overcome him, in which his heart races, he sweats profusely, and feels


Childhood Background

James grew up in a small town in Iowa, where his father was a respected local doctor and his mother

was an elementary school teacher. He has two sisters that have been extremely successful in their

careers: one is a PhD and teaches at a prestigious Northeastern university; the other is a successful

business owner in the Los Angeles area. James?s father, in particular, always placed great expectations in

him ? pushing him to follow in his footsteps as a medical doctor. Throughout his academic career, James

was an overachiever, winning full scholarships at prestigious universities and obtaining funding for

medical school through research grants

reference (n.d.). Abnormal psychology: Case study. James Retrieved from

*****is the textbook and must be used *****

Durand, V. M. & Barlow, D. H. (2012). Essentials of abnormal psychology (6th ed). [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

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